this time i'm not back alone! my friend come and stay over a night! hehe. tmr have to send her to PUDU. That girl ar, really come my house to sleep only. i just bout to type my post she already sleeping on my bed... ISH. i bet she's going to wake me up at 5.30am tmr. =( hahaha.
~ memories ~

i did not force her to take this pic with me!
haihz. die lar. now is like i wont feel sleepy before 3am. HOW??? ( jess, i think i got ur power. REMEMBER xena?? haha )
anyway, i'm so happy that i finish my presentation! arrgh. DAmn relieved. It was OK besides not knowing what i'm presenting about... after about one month of studies, the thing i learn most is "copy & paste". wth! i know its bad! I KNOW... oh, i really want to thank 3 person. To : esther, rachel and "bom", thanks for accompany us ( same group with bee ) for almost a week. Love u gals.

Even if u gals usually fall alseep...
went Times Square after class yesterday. didnt manage to buy alot. SAD. ( trac! tm's plan ok ok? dont tell jess. =p, lets make her jealous! ) haha.
most of us just bought one or two tops unlike Mag Shi ( the super-shopping-lady ). dress, shoes, pants....
~ wondering who is mag shi? ~

eh.. where is she? oh, i forgot she's holding the camera. SOrrY!
wait wait.. she sqeezing in the pic...

there SHE is! haha!
later meet up with my other two good buddies (rachel & catherine) which dump me in the beginning. *sobx* still, i'm so kind to take pic with them ( smilling~~ )

MOST IMPORTANT THING U HAVE TO DO WHEN UR OUT OF MY COLLEGE : find food. ( swt, sound like some 'jakun' from hutan. This reminds me how much i hate jessica loke for calling me 'the hutan girl'.. wont forgive u! huh..@@ )
actually, i dun think we found a right spot to eat. NOT that tasty right??
~ mine ~

so so lar...
~ mag shi ~

look nice (only)
~ catherine & cindy - cheese maniac ~

YERR.. cheese.. summore so huge bucket! *faints*
oh, almost forgot to mention someone-else. haha.

mr. "benjamin" ( u know why )
he is a nice guy.. my new found friend. REALLY greatful. Bring us to Mcd, StarBucks.. Help to carry mag shi's bagS... hold camera for us all...


he was caught for spying *ahem*COUGHS* ...control yourself ok?
aiyo. now only 12.40am.
no idea what to do now.
( carol, when u leaving? )
( mel, u still alive? )
( wood, u sure giving me RM 5-10? )
( trac, i miss those time when we study-ing for stpm. congratulation for having a FULL- brain now! )
( bee, stop thinking/dreaming bout HIM. *slaps* )
( esther! wake HER up. )
( philip, TEACH me!!! )
( san, u better see me SOON! )
( rachel, i'm going to watch faster than u! )
i have nothing more to say.
**** till then **** take care everyone ****
if i can go Times Square den vy good luuuuuu.....haha.enjoy ur mid term break la bt dun forget 2 study oso ar.take care lotz...
hahaha. next time ajak u LORRR. =p u so busy with ur bak kut teh + aqua show....
ok. will try my best not to go out so much. u take care too!!
my dear, so fast u having ur 1st sem break d...
em ~~~wish u all the best in ur exam 1st la .....
my final exam coming soon too..hehe=}
my sem break as study week start from 31/8~
when u want shopping with me ?
i very boring leh ....
i dun care ...i want u accompany me shop ! shop ! shop!
clothes !! pants !! shoes !! .....
haha! hi my dear.. why so bored? go study for ur finals lar!
summore want go shopping. ur sem break for u to study.
( i think 31/8 i'll go back bukit )
why 31/8 go back bukit de ? sunday wor ...
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